Grace is 1. It is so hard to believe that this past year has flown by so fast. Last year this time, Keith and I were frantically trying to figure out how to care for this tiny little 5 day old baby. Of course, the pain from the c-section, the exhaustion from getting up during the night and befuddled feelings of what to do to make her happy have long since gone and we've settled into a great routine. Actually, amazingly the way I remember it, things were pretty good at the beginning. I don't know if I expected worse or if we are conditioned to forget the bad. Of course, we had a few days there at the beginning that we really struggled at what to do to console Grace, but thanks to help from our families we figured it out. And now a year later, we have a giggling girl that loves to clap and show us how big she is just to get our reaction. She is quite the character now with her personality starting to shine through. I know this year is going to be just as amazing with the changes that she is going to go through as she learns to walk, run, talk, learn, make friends etc.

Grace is now 30.3 inches and 22lbs 11 oz. She had a huge growth spurt over the last 3 months. I began to wonder a couple of weeks ago when suddenly she seemed to have outgrown a lot of her clothes. Good thing that spring is around the corner since her winter clothes now look like capri's and 3/4 sleeved shirts.
- She has been crawling and cruising, but she is starting to toddled a bit. A few steps here and there, but not quite ready to take off. The Dr. said that it is just getting over the fear now.
- Grace is babbling up a storm. No real words yet, but they will be here soon. I am hoping that 'mama' is first. She babbles mamamamama a lot.
- Completed flights 14 and 15. The ski trip to Colorado was a blast. Grace definitely got to see here fair share of snow this first year for a southern baby between the snow in Michigan at Christmas, the ski trip, and all of the snow that we got here in Dallas.
- More trips to the zoo, aquarium, etc. We are exploring Dallas and look forward to doing more this year.
Both sets of grandparents came in for the birthday week. They were a huge help getting everything set up for the party as well as helping us with a few tasks around the house as well. We first celebrated on Grace's actual birthday. It was her first taste of cake and she loved it. No qualms what so ever - she just tore in to the cake like she eats it everyday. Saturday during the party she was a bit more reserved with it, but she was having so much fun watching everyone else that she was almost too busy to eat her cake.
Grace loved her little red wagon from Mimi and Grandpa!
Grace is really enjoying her new chair from Nanie and Papa! She sat it in this morning to watch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
We are so happy that so many people were able to celebrate the day with us. Grace is one very blessed little girl.
Here are a few pictures of the party decor. The theme was 'Hot Pink and Orange with Giraffes and Monkeys - which is the theme in her nursery as well.. I made all of the decorations myself. Next year I think that I am going to buy it pre-made or I need to start when she turns 18 months old so that I am ready. I did have fun learning to make a lot of this. I hope to re-use many things in her room like the pom-poms over the crib and the wreath on her door.